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Street Fighter High is series of fan films on the web, currently consisting of Street Fighter High and the 2-part sequel, Street Fighter High: The Musical. The series was created and written by Jennifer Zhang, with the latest installment directed by Hugh Jardon and co-produced with Joey Rassool, Hugh Jardon, and Carolyn McAllister.

* Street Fighter High: The Musical was shot on the Canon 5D and the Red One Camera... famously, the same camera the movie Gamer, starring Gerard Butler, was shot on.

* Three actual voice actors from Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV are featured in the film: Matthew Mercer, the voice of Fei Long, portrays Dan Hibiki, Michael T. Coleman, the voice of Cody, provides the actual voice of Cody for the actor in the film, and Reuben Langdon, the voice of Ken Masters, narrates the film and appears briefly as Ken at the end.

* In the Marvel vs. Capcom dance-off, Psylocke is portrayed by Cynthia Mendez, a contestant on the most recent season of So You Think You Can Dance. She also choreographed the prom dance scene.

* Juri's "Yoga Romance" dance and the Chun Li's "Tagging Out Girl" dance were both chroeographed by former Toronto Raptors cheerleader, Megan Marsh. She also portrays on of the Shadaloo Dolls in the film.

* Glenn Suravech, an accomplished music producer and sound engineer who has worked with Bob Dylan, Lyle Lovett and legendary Motown producers, mixed and recorded all the parody tracks featured in Street Fighter High's musical sequel.

* The narration for Street Fighter High: The Musical was done by Reuben Langdon, the actual voice of Ken Masters in Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV, the motion capture artist of Dante in the Devil May Cry video game series, and the voice of Chris Redfield in the Resident Evil games.

* Not one, not two, but THREE WCG Ultimate Gamers were involved in Street Fighter High: The Musical. Faye Mata appear as Ibuki, Justin Wong portrays himself, and Dante Kim from Season 1 of WCG Ultimate Gamer was a camera operator for the fight sequences in the end credits.

* Cast members from Street Fighter High make appearances in Jace Hall's upcoming Street Fighter music video.

* Cast members were invited by Capcom to participate in a stunt at Comic Con 2010 during the Street Fighter panel as part of the big Street Fighter X Tekken announcement.

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